
Our world tuesday: Volkspark

Last week, my friend Margot showed me a park in Cologne I had never seen before: Volkspark. She said: You'll never see anybody there, and she was right. We nearly had the park for us alone. And it was beautiful! With a well in a small pavillon, an amphitheater, ranked with grass and lots of wildflowers everywhere. A magical place!
Meine Freundin Margot hat mir letzte Woche einen Park in Köln gezeigt, den ich noch nie vorher gesehen hatte: den Volkspark. Sie hatte gesagt: Dort ist nie jemand, und sie hatte recht - wir hatten den Park quasi für uns allein. Und er war wunderschön! Ein alter Brunnen in einem kleinen Pavillon, ein grasüberwuchertes Amphitheater und Wildblumen überall. Ein magischer Ort!

More beautiful and magical places you'll find at ourworldtuesday!
Mehr wunderbare und magische Orte gibt es bei ourworldtuesday!
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9 Kommentare:

carol l mckenna | 31. Juli 2012 um 15:23

Wow! What a place ~ beautiful ~ am amazed no one goes there ~ Excellent photography ~~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

Carver | 31. Juli 2012 um 15:39

That's a beautiful park. I love how naturalized some of the flowers are.

DelGal | 31. Juli 2012 um 16:36

Looks like a wonderful park and a great secret place for some quiet. :)

Inside Cambodia | 31. Juli 2012 um 17:00

Beautiful park. I wonder why no one else goes there but I don't mind having the whole park all to myself, too. I wish we have parks like this here on my side of the world.

Unknown | 31. Juli 2012 um 17:01

Great find!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Unknown | 31. Juli 2012 um 20:37

this is wonderful! i love the flowers, the trees, pavilion and the fact that you had the park all to yourself.:p

My World

Katrin Klink | 31. Juli 2012 um 21:01

Thanks a lot! I had a look at your beautiful pictures and places, too. Isn't our world beautiful?

(◔‿◔) | 31. Juli 2012 um 23:54

Ui, dein Blog gefällt mir! Amazing!!!
Ich blätter mich mal durch.

Hoffe du verirrst dich auch mal zu mir
LG, Wieczorama (◔‿◔) | Mein Fotoblog

Rajesh | 1. August 2012 um 05:58

Very beautiful park.

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