Monday morning macro
The most beautiful vegetable for me is the Romanesco. It grows like a fractal and according to the principles of Sacred Geometry, as I explained in my first online magazine. And it's delicious - what else can you ask for?
Das schönste Gemüse ist, wie ich finde, der Romanesco. Er wächst wie ein Fraktal und gemäß der Prinzipien der Heiligen Geometrie, wie ich bereits in meinem ersten online-Magazin beschrieben habe. Und er ist superlecker - was will man mehr?
More pictures from the beautiful macro world you'll find here - mehr Bilder aus der wunderschönen Macrowelt gibt es hier:
11 Kommentare:
great macro! :)
You have captured the texture and more importantly the vibrant green colour of this vegetable brilliantly
Haette fast den gleichen Kohlkopp als Macro gemacht...aber Deiner ist sowieso viel schoener!
These cauli's are amazing aren't they? A perfect subject for macro photography, beautifully done :)
I haven't seen this vegetable in person, only in photos, and yours are so excellent. The design also follows the Fibonacci numbers, an incredible nature design, an amazing creation.
oh wow, that is really neat, never seen one before...great photos!
Delightful macros of this yummy vegetable!
Beautiful shots of a beautiful vegetable!
Wow it's gorgeous. I've never seen one before. Brilliant photos :)
That is beautiful vegetable indeed!
I have never seen a vegetable so BEAUTIFUL! Simply AMAZING!
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