Our World Tuesday: Birgu/ Vittorioso

I spent most of my time in Gozo, but one day I took the ferry to Malta to visit Birgu, how the inhabitants still call the city the travel guides refer to as Vittorioso.
Birgu is one of three Maltese cities that are compared to Venice, Italy. Not only because of their beauty and the fact that they are located in the edge of  turqouise blue water, but they have gondolas, too. 
I clearly like Gozo more than Malta, but Birgu definitely is worth a visit!
Ich habe die meiste Zeit meiner Reise in Gozo verbracht, aber für einen Tag bin ich mit der Fähre nach Malta übergesetzt, um Birgu zu besuchen - wie die Einwohner die Stadt, die in den Reiseführern Vittorioso genannt wird, immernoch nennen. Birgu ist eine der drei maltesischen Städte, die mit Venedig verglichen werden, wegen ihrer Schönheit und weil sie direkt an türkisblauem Wasser liegen, aber auch, weil sie dort ebenfalls Gondeln haben. 
Ich mag Gozo eindeutig lieber als Malta, aber Birgu ist auf alle Fälle einen Besuch wert!


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10 Kommentare:

Molly | 2. April 2013 um 11:11

These are stunning... I need to visit more places in Europe


Stewart M | 2. April 2013 um 11:29

That deep blue sky and red dome is a wonderful image.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Anonym | 2. April 2013 um 14:51

My favorite is your last image...I feel as if I'm right there walking down that street. Beautiful!

Jaime Clark | 2. April 2013 um 15:11

These are spectacular pics of this beautiful ancient seaport.

Katrin | 2. April 2013 um 15:31

It's much more beautiful than the pictures can show ... and as well Birgu as larger parts of Gozo have a certain Fifties-look and feeling. A really lovely place, worth not only one visit but several.

Min fotogen | 2. April 2013 um 16:02

Beautiful photos from Malta! A place I have to visit someday..

Pearl | 2. April 2013 um 16:53

How lovely. Wonderfully framed views. What striking colors!

magiceye | 2. April 2013 um 18:26

Beautiful images!!

Unknown | 2. April 2013 um 20:50

wow, these are beautiful! i love the narrow streets and the wide-angled shots with the city at the background--stunning!

Beppan | 3. April 2013 um 22:05

A very beautiful part of the world:
And a very good photographer!!

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