
Monday morning macro

Just a detail of a vintage plate. Nur ein Detail eines alten Tellers ...

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5 Kommentare:

Anneli - A'la Foto | 1. Juli 2013 um 13:43

Creative macro!

Anonym | 1. Juli 2013 um 18:56

So love this! You know me and vintage! Like I mentioned to Karen, I've got to get in the groove with Monday Macro!

chai-and-chardonnay.blogspot.com | 1. Juli 2013 um 20:08

Erinnert mich an das Hochzeitsgeschirr meiner Eltern! So schoen.

Jay | 2. Juli 2013 um 00:51

I love those vintage plates with gilded edges! My grandmother had some fruit bowls like that and I thought they were really, really special!

Jeannie Marie | 2. Juli 2013 um 01:53

It always amazes me how the gilding can survive so beautifully on antique pieces. A beautiful confirmation.

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