
Monday Morning Macro

I'm still painting the large picture - and found that the incidentally remnants of paint leave beautiful patterns on my water glass. ~ Ich male immernoch das große Bild - und habe entdeckt, dass die zufälligen Farbreste auf meinem Wasserglas ein wunderbares Muster ergeben.

Much more amazing pictures from the beautiful macro world you'll find here -
mehr Bilder aus der wunderschönen Macrowelt gibt es hier:

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5 Kommentare:

chai-and-chardonnay.blogspot.com | 7. Oktober 2013 um 08:09

Wunderschoen! Kunst ist ueberall-man muss nur richtig hingucken!

Laura | 7. Oktober 2013 um 16:48

Oh Katrin, these are so beautiful. When we live with an artists eyes, we recognize it everywhere! Thanks for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)

Karen | 7. Oktober 2013 um 17:30

I like these! Wouldn't it be nice to have a glass with those patterns on it permanently!

Anonym | 7. Oktober 2013 um 21:04

Beutiful piece of art!

Anonym | 8. Oktober 2013 um 00:00

I've seen glasses similar to this! Love! You have such an incredible eye!

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