
Travel log: Gasometer Oberhausen/ Christo exhibition

You might have noticed during the last weeks that I have a crush for old industrial buildings, but this one was by far my favourite. The Gasometer Oberhausen belongs to  Germany's industrial heritage and now is a fantastic exhibition space. I visited the current exhibition and installation - the work of Christo and Jeanne-Claude (which I'll show on Thursday). The building itself is also very impressive - dark, tall, and with beautiful details. Love!
Vermutlich habt Ihr in den letzten Wochen mitbekommen, dass ich auf alte Industriegebäude stehe - aber das Gasometer in Oberhausen war mir Abstand mein Favorit. Es gehört zu Deutschlands Industrieerbe und ist eine fantastische Ausstellungsfläche. Ich habe die aktuelle Ausstellung von Christo und Jeanne-Claude besucht (die es am Donnerstag hier zu sehen geben wird). Aber schon das Gebäude ist beeindruckend - dunkel, riesig und mit wunderschönen Details. Einfach klasse!


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7 Kommentare:

Anonym | 26. November 2013 um 08:30

Brilliant shots.

Unknown | 26. November 2013 um 14:31

Interesting post!! Boom & gary of the Vermilon River.

Ingrid | 26. November 2013 um 16:46

Looks very impressive and very ugly as all industrial buildings !

Black Jack's Carol | 26. November 2013 um 18:27

I especially love the detail shots near the end - the broken and twisted pipe and the third to last one of dented pipes, as well as the very last shot where I feel I am standing, looking up and feeling the magnificence of that structure.

Müllerin Art | 26. November 2013 um 18:52

Warum war ich da noch nie, bin doch ein Ruhrpottkind! Wieder mal herrliche Fotos, liebe Grüße von Michaela

Cynthia | 26. November 2013 um 20:55

Nice lines in your photos. Can't imagine what the inside looks like and wonder why it was built round.

Anonym | 30. November 2013 um 01:50

So happy you have a crush on these old industrial buildings...because you then share them with us!

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