Thursday inspiration

For a (hopefully upcoming) project I was browsing through my photos from last summer in France. There was a small town with lots of closed shops. But they had kind of street art on the shop windows - beautiful drawings on the shop windows. Arent they fantastic?
Für eines der (hoffentlich kommenden) Projekte habe ich mich gerade durch meine Frankreichfotos vom letzten Sommer geblättert. Da war ein kleiner Ort, in dem fast alle Läden leider geschlossen waren. Aber sie hatten so etwas wie Streetart auf den Schaufenstern - wunderschöne Zeichnungen. Sind sie nicht fantastisch?

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2 Kommentare:

Anonym | 1. Mai 2014 um 13:19

Adorable! But then I think anything and everything from France is fantastic! Sending positive thoughts on your Hopefully Upcoming project!

Hege Morris | 1. Mai 2014 um 20:44

That's amazing! You would be great at that.
A whole town closed in France.. sounds like a Monday! :)
hope you're well! hx

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