Rain, rain, rain - wasn't it supposed to be summer? With water all around, I remembered nature footsteps, where they collect/ post photos about water each Wednesday. Here's mine. It's from Lanzarote with its black stones and beaches.
Regen, Regen, Regen - sollte nicht eigentlich Sommer sein? Mit Wasser rundherum habe ich mich an nature footsteps erinnert, wo jeden Mittwoch Fotos von Wasser gespostet werden. Hier ist meins - aus Lanzarote mit seinen schwarzen Steinen und Stränden.
7 Kommentare:
What a beautifully composed photograph! Gorgeous!
a beautiful, serene scene.
It´s the same in Sweden!!! WHERE is the summer????
an unusual photograph. I love your composition in this image. It has that little extra. :)
Thanks for your sweet comments. And if the sommer is not in Sweden, too, where is it? I remember the Bullerbü-books by Astrid Lindgren, and there were endless Swedish sommers!
the smooth water and rough rocks make a wonderful contrast
and the light is beautiful
we are in a heatwave here, nearly 100 degrees F
the power companies cut back to keep from blacking out and we're all a little miserable
Yes, where is the summer??? This looks so wonderful. Love the sea!
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