Ruby Tuesday

Shot in the Japanese Garden, Leverkusen, Germany.

And now I'm going to look at the dashs of colours of the other participants ...
Und jetzt werde ich mir die Farbtupfer der anderen Teilnehmer anschauen ...
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6 Kommentare:

Friko | 4. September 2012 um 17:46

Thanks for your visit at Friko's World. Leverkusen ? Ist nicht weit von Krefeld entfernt.

Ingrid | 4. September 2012 um 18:02

Very creative picture !

LindyLouMac | 4. September 2012 um 18:28

Calling by from Ruby Tuesday, what an interesting carving and perfect for the meme.

Anonym | 4. September 2012 um 20:44


eden | 5. September 2012 um 14:03

Great find for RT!

Unknown | 12. September 2012 um 22:52

so pretty shot. vintage look on it. hope you could visit my Ruby Tuesday last week here:

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