imm: Das Haus/ Louise Campbell

Each year, a guest of honor is nominated for the imm to show his or her holistic vision of living, the project is called "Das Haus" (the house). This years guest was the wonderful Danish designer Louise Campbell. And what can I say - it was just perfect. Light, colors, textures - amazing, one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
Jedes Jahr lädt die imm einen Ehrengast ein, um seine oder ihre Vision zu zeigen, wie man gerne leben würde. Das Projekt heißt 'Das Haus', und dieses Jahr hat die dänische Designerin Louise Campbell ihre Vision gestaltet. Licht, Farben, Texturen - alles war einfach nur wunderbar, eines der schönsten Dinge, die ich je gesehen habe.

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1 Kommentare:

Anonym | 17. April 2014 um 16:40

I so love what is said on her website: "All our work is based on three simple rules / always start from scratch / find the core of the issue / dare to be different." You have captured that essence brilliantly! Beautiful lighting! Thanks for sharing such wonderful talent!

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