52 photos project: summertime colors

'Summertime Colors' is the topic of this week's 52 photos project. And today, summer returned to Germany - perfect timing! Have a look at all the other beautiful photos, too!
'Sommerfarben' ist das Thema dieser Woche bei Bella's 52 photos project. Perfektes Timing, da der Sommer heute zurückgekommen ist! Schaut Euch auch die anderen Fotos dort an ...
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3 Kommentare:

Laura lok | 24. Juni 2012 um 06:14


Vinny | Film & Fiction | 25. Juni 2012 um 04:17

This is so beautiful! I love the colorful flowers in summer time! <3
I also doing this project, anyway. So fun! :)

Deborah | 25. Juni 2012 um 23:31

fabulous color!
definitley a summertime color!

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