
Monday morning macro

As part of my big/ small experiments, I tried to take a close-up of a litchi that looks like a gigantic fruit ...
Als Teil meiner klein/ groß-Experimente habe ich versucht, ein Close-Up einer Litschi zu machen, das so aussieht, als wäre es eine riesengroße Frucht ...


More pictures from the beautiful macro world you'll find here - mehr Bilder aus der wunderschönen Macrowelt gibt es hier:

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6 Kommentare:

Jay at The Depp Effect | 14. Januar 2013 um 15:23

Amazing photo! You could have done a Macro Monday puzzle with that one - at first I couldn't work out what I was looking at, and decided it was some kind of special German cake delicacy!

A fruit! It's a fruit! Brilliant.

Kerri Farley | 14. Januar 2013 um 15:31

OH I LOVE it! I thought it was a strawberry with cream on it (the first one) Truly beautiful capture!

chai-and-chardonnay.blogspot.com | 14. Januar 2013 um 19:20

Sieht superlecker aus! Und ich mag die Komposition!

Bettey | 14. Januar 2013 um 22:26

Gorgeous macro! Great colors!

Anonym | 16. Januar 2013 um 02:06

So loving this. I thought it was sorbet in some very interesting piece of art u had made! So fabulous!!

Faye | 16. Januar 2013 um 06:30

As with your other commenters, from the thumbnail I thought this photo was of some fabulous pastry. Even better that you chose this unusual fruit to "study". A couple of other blogger friends have been experimenting with taking photos of citrus. Very special results as you have here.

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