
52 photos project: favourite place

Bella asked for our favourite place. Since my son moved out from home, I love to travel to find new favourite places. As for my hometown, Cologne, it's the Rhine - or our botanical garden, the Flora. Today I went there for a Camellia exhibition. Here just a few impressions - the Flora is lovely no matter what time of the year!
Bella fragte nach unserem Lieblingsort. Seit mein Sohn von zuhause ausgezogen ist, liebe ich es, auf Reisen neue Lieblingsorte zu entdecken. Was Köln angeht, wo ich wohne, ist es der Rhein - oder unser botanischer Garten, die Flora. Heute bin ich dort für eine Kamelienausstellung hingegangen. Hier nur ein paar Impressionen - die Flora ist zu jeder Jahreszeit wunderschön!

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9 Kommentare:

Deborah | 10. April 2013 um 22:10

and what a magnificent garden so close to home!

Frau S. | 10. April 2013 um 22:29

Die Flora! Du mich auf eine gute Idee. Da muss ich auch unbedingt mal wieder hin.

Anonym | 11. April 2013 um 00:17

Such lovely shots - all of them. I would love to go and sit on one of the benches and soak in the peace you've photographed.

Debbie Cabrera | 11. April 2013 um 02:08

Beautiful pictures! I can see myself sitting in the grass next to one of those trees enjoying a good book and enjoying the view.

Linda W. | 11. April 2013 um 03:25

Love your last photo of the rose. It's beautiful!

Anonym | 11. April 2013 um 22:08

I just want to bury my face in that last photo!

chai-and-chardonnay.blogspot.com | 12. April 2013 um 07:06

Wie schoen! Hoffentlich scheint bald die Sonne auf diese Pracht!

Alexa | 13. April 2013 um 21:58

What a lovely place!

Bella Cirovic | 20. April 2013 um 12:42

Beautiful Katrin! I could see you & I sitting on those benches with a cup of coffee, enjoying the day, and learning more about each other. If I ever get to Germany - or you get to New York - we must meet!!

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