
In know a very happy couple today. L&N, this was the best news in months. I'm thinking the whole day of you, and found myself creating lots of pairs when cooking fennel for lunch ...
Ich kenne heute ein sehr glückliches Paar. L&N, das waren die besten Nachrichten seit Monaten. Ich denke den ganzen Tag an Euch und habe mich dabei ertappt, lauter Paare zu machen, als ich Fenchel fürs Mittagessen gekocht habe ...
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3 Kommentare:

Unknown | 5. September 2013 um 19:36

Happiness is all around <3

Anonym | 5. September 2013 um 22:48

So fun! What did you cook using fennel?

Katrin | 6. September 2013 um 06:54

Dear Robin,
I cooked the fennel 'al dente', put them into a baking dish, added slced tomatoes, salt and pepper. On top Mozzarella and grated Parmesan cheese. Chop the fennel green, roast it together with some bread crumbs for about two minutes and sprinkle it onto the top. Bake it for about 15 minutes until the Mozzarella becomes golden.
It's an Italian dish, and my favourite fennel receipe!

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