Dear 2013

Dear 2013, you were great, but sometimes a bit tiring. Thanks for everything, including a beautiful last walk along the Rhine side today. Blossoms on New Year's Eve are a bit strange, but I regard them as a good sign for a wonderful 2014!
Liebes 2013, Du warst großartig, aber manchmal wirklich ein bißchen anstrengend. Danke für alle, einschließlich einen letzten wunderschönen Spaziergang am Rheinufer. Blüten am Silvesterabend sind zwar ein bißchen seltsam, aber ich habe sie als gutes Zeichen für ein wunder-volles 2014 genommen!

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3 Kommentare:

Anonym | 31. Dezember 2013 um 23:02

It was so fun to get caught up on all your postings while I've been traveling. I really enjoyed Peter's sketches in the e-mag you did for him. So very cool. And as always, I enjoyed your food postings. Can't wait to put together those little puff pastries of goat cheese and sour cream. They look so delicious! Happy New Year and may 2014 bring you many opportunities and possibilities for traveling to the U.S!!! xoxo

Unknown | 1. Januar 2014 um 05:00

Happy New Year !!! Please keep up the great posting. I really enjoy coming to your blog. | 1. Januar 2014 um 20:39

Wunderschön! Und 2014 wird grossartig!

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