Friday food/ favourite places: Café Hanseatica, Tübingen

Another place with 50 years of history in Tübingen is Café Hanseatica. Best coffee in town! For cakes, please visit Café Zuckerbäcker. I was too overwhelmed there to take photos.
Das Café Hanseatica ist ein weiteres Etablissement mit 50jähriger Geschichte. Bester Kaffee der Stadt! Für den besten Kuchen müsst ihr ins Café Zuckerbäcker in der Ammergasse. Da war ich zu überwältigt, um Fotos zu machen.

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2 Kommentare:

Anonym | 15. März 2014 um 00:13

Yummy...from the looks of their website they should hire YOU to dress it up with your fabulous photos!

Selina | 13. April 2014 um 01:03

Mmmmmm... kaffee kaffee kaffee! Even the near-empty cup looks delicious!

I love how you say you were too overwhelmed to take photos of the cake shop :)

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