Friday food photo

Sometimes, I'm buying food because of its beauty. If you can fall in love with mushrooms, this is what happend to me with those king trumpet mushrooms. I just roasted them slowly in a non-stick pan (without fat to keep them from getting slobbery) and put them with some salt and pepper onto some fresh salad leaves - a perfect spring lunch!
Manchmal kaufe ich Lebensmittel einfach weil sie so schön sind. Wenn man sich in Pilze verlieben kann, ist es genau das, was mir mit diesen Saiblingen passiert ist. Ich habe die Kräuterseitlinge einfach langsam in einer beschichteten Pfanne angebraten (ohne Fett, damit sie nicht matschig werden) und sie mit etwas Salz und Pfeffer auf ein Bett aus frischen Salatblättern gegeben - ein perfektes Frühlingsessen!

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2 Kommentare:

Maria | 11. April 2014 um 09:54

Very nice macros Katrin. I had almost the same salad dish for dinner last night. My mushrooms were roasted on a pan with butter though. Next time I will take your lead and omit the fat :)

I wish you a happy weekend!

Anonym | 17. April 2014 um 17:01

I love how you buy food for its beauty! I now find myself looking at fruits and veggies in the grocery and thinking...How would Katrin photograph this!! That salad looks delicious!!

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