
Monday morning macro

The newest addition to my blue-and-white plate collection. I like especially the cracked surface - you can see how often the plate was used. I wonder what he has experienced before he came to me? I'd love to illustrate a complete children's book in this style ...
Der neueste Zuwachs für meine blaue-weiße Tellersammlung. Ich mag ganz besonders die rissige Oberfläche - man kann sehen, wie oft dieser Teller benutzt wurde. Was er wohl alles erlebt hat, bevor er zu mir gekommen ist? Ich würde am Liebsten ein ganzes Bilderbuch in diesem Stil illustrieren ...

Much more amazing pictures from the beautiful macro world you'll find here -
mehr Bilder aus der wunderschönen Macrowelt gibt es hier:

bei Steffi

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5 Kommentare:

Unknown | 30. Juni 2014 um 19:54

Gorgeous! The crackled patterns are fascinating, but the flowers and the birds are very pretty too.

Hannah | 30. Juni 2014 um 20:25

I love blue and white pottery, the designs are exquisite. I like the fanciful birds. The cracks give them a lot of character.

Pat | 1. Juli 2014 um 01:15

What a beautiful pattern. I love the cracked surface - wonderful texture.

Anonym | 1. Juli 2014 um 06:10

I look forward to the children's book. These photos are lovely.

Anonym | 1. Juli 2014 um 17:13

This is exactly why I cherish pieces like this...wondering about the item's past...these are a beautiful addition to your collection!

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