
Monday morning macro

This is a detail of a sculpture, made from drinking straws. I loved the idea. One of the many beautiful things you can see here at the waterside of the Rine.
Das ist ein Detail einer Skulptur, die aus Trinkhalmen gemacht wurde. Ich liebe diese Idee. Eines der vielen wunderschönen Dinge, die man hier am Rheinufer sehen kann.


Much more amazing pictures from the beautiful macro world you'll find here -
mehr Bilder aus der wunderschönen Macrowelt gibt es hier:

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9 Kommentare:

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment | 25. Februar 2013 um 09:36

Amazing and unique! I had thought your first was some kind of flower at a quick glance.

chai-and-chardonnay.blogspot.com | 25. Februar 2013 um 10:41

Sieht schoen aus und auch bei euch scheint es noch winterlich weiss zu sein!

Unknown | 25. Februar 2013 um 14:22

Love the close up..red and white are so awesome together..very nice..

Susan | 25. Februar 2013 um 15:51

This great. So glad you shared.

Anonym | 25. Februar 2013 um 16:24

So fun and creative!

Bettey | 25. Februar 2013 um 22:35

I thought they were little flowers at first!!! The snow detail you have captured is wonderful!

Roselia Bezerra | 26. Februar 2013 um 00:52

Super diferente!!! Criativo por demais...
Bjs fraternos de paz

Andrea | 26. Februar 2013 um 09:55

It really conveys cold. That first photo thumbnail looks like my shot of the planthopper nymphs, turning out to be snow! So many straws used in there!

Anonym | 26. Februar 2013 um 13:47

How lovely! Great pics of this creative idea.

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