Travel log: Lautern

We have all those Romantic poets who wrote about the beauty of Germany. It took me a while to understand them, but during fall, when I see untouched and unspoiled landscapes, I definitely see the beauty. This is Lautern, a small locality near Ulm. The forest there looks like Eichendorff, Heine or Hölderlin could turn around the corner any moment.
Ich habe lange gebraucht, um zu verstehen, wie die Dichter der Romantik die Schönheit Deutschlands besingen konnten. Aber vorallem im Herbst, in unberührter Landschaft, kann ich die Schönheit wirklich sehen. Dies ist Lautern, in der Nähe von Ulm. Der Wald dort sieht noch so aus, als könnten Eichendorff, Heine oder Hölderlin jeden Moment um die Ecke kommen.

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9 Kommentare:

Linda W. | 25. November 2014 um 21:16

Wonderful tree shots, especially your first two.

Stephanie 139a | 25. November 2014 um 21:25

What great shots, I particularly like those stairs although they do look a little precarious #ourworldtuesday

Frau S. | 25. November 2014 um 23:11

Wunderbare Fotos! Ich mag den Herbst ja sehr gerne.

SOYZ | 25. November 2014 um 23:40

looks like a perfect place for a nice walk :) beautiful pics!

Su-sieee! Mac | 26. November 2014 um 06:27

You certainly portrayed a mystical spot. I'd like to be there.

Spare Parts and Pics | 26. November 2014 um 07:17

Wow, beautiful photos! The first one is my favorite.

Anonym | 26. November 2014 um 22:36

Untouched and rare these days! Love all of these...especially the stairs! Such eeriness!

Anonym | 27. November 2014 um 07:53

What gorgeous shots!

NatureStop | 1. Dezember 2014 um 10:18

Greetings from Dubai! Really enjoyed going through your blog. Have a great week ahead! Will be back soon...


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