
Travel log: Brighton main station at night

Usually, I don't shoot in black and white, I love all those soft shades of colors. But at night, the station in Brighton was illuminated with very ugly yellow light - and together with the architecture from 1840, b&w gives that certain nostalgic feeling. Well, and wanderlust, too. Sigh.
Normalerweise fotografiere ich nicht in Schwarzweiss, ich liebe die ganzen sanften Farbabstufungen von Farbfotos. Aber nachts war der Bahnhof in Brighton mit scheusslichem gelben Licht beleuchtet; und zusammen mit der Architektur von 1840 gibt Schwarzweiss den Fotos hier einen schön nostalgischen Touch. Und macht Fernweh ...

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5 Kommentare:

Ingrid | 3. Februar 2015 um 11:40

I have been in Brighton very often, but have never seen the station ! Looks good in black and white !


Anonym | 3. Februar 2015 um 12:47

Lovely shots.

Anonym | 3. Februar 2015 um 16:05

Perfect for b&w! Love the image with the dog!

chai-and-chardonnay.blogspot.com | 4. Februar 2015 um 10:50

Wirkt soviel besser in b/w.

molly | 4. Februar 2015 um 21:13

I love Brighton, one of my all time favourite cities and the picture with the dog is just perfect


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